AI in Healthcare Regulation module (LW50117)

You will develop skills to analyse developing and existing legal and ethical challenges in AI in Healthcare Regulation

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You will develop skills to analyse legal and ethical challenges affecting AI in Healthcare Regulation.

You will learn to discuss and write about ethical and moral dilemmas surrounding the use of AI in Healthcare. You will also learn how AI in Healthcare is proposed to be regulated and is regulated. This is to include frameworks that are continually proposed and published. They are frameworks that exist below the regulatory layer.

You will be provided with current dilemmas and asked to analyse these by applying:

  • existing and developing AI laws (national and international)
  • tests (statutory and common law)
  • principles (medical ethics).

You will be discussing, assessing and writing about ethical and moral issues using your critical skills.

You will be guided to do this bringing your attention to current examples from categories such as:

  • wearable devices
  • medical devices
  • genomics
  • data science
  • Machine Learning Models / Large Language Models / Algorithms

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • develop your analytical skills
  • develop skills for discussion of legal and ethical issues
  • learn about AI in Healthcare Regulation within different branches of the law
  • understand particular laws and tests that can be applied to AI in Healthcare Regulation. You will also learn how to discuss and write about them
  • discover alternative ways to assess AI in Healthcare Regulation

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • analyse, discuss and apply legal and ethical principles to AI in Healthcare Regulation issues
  • understand more about which legal and ethical principles could / should be applied to AI in Healthcare.
  • confidently discuss and write about laws, and ethical principles which could / can apply to this sector.
  • have an understanding of the legal and ethical mechanisms for those negatively affected by the use of AI in Healthcare

Assignments / assessment

  • coursework (100%)
    • this involves two written assignments. These are mid-semester and at the end of the semester

The module has six components and you will cover:

  • Questions and aspects relevant to the Existence, Recognition and Personhood of Artificial Intelligence
  • Existing and developing ethical and legal frameworks at national and international levels for aspects of Artificial Intelligence
  • Legal and Ethical Artificial Intelligence aspects for Biotechnology and/or Biometrics.
  • Legal and Ethical Artificial Intelligence Aspects for Genomics.
  • Legal and Ethical Artificial Intelligence aspects for Medical Devices and/or wearable technologies.
  • Legal and Ethical Artificial Intelligence Aspects for Data Science

This module does not have a final exam.

Teaching methods / timetable

This module will be taught online.

Independent study is expected and will be guided by your tutors.

Teaching methods include

  • a mixture of online teaching and drop-in sessions
  • recorded videos
  • detailed individual written feedback on assignments (formative and summative)
  • module announcements
  • email communication
  • discussion boards (or substitutable technologies)
  • building confidence in presenting through submission of an optional pre-recorded presentation assignment (feedback provided)
  • building confidence in legal and ethical writing ability
  • interaction with reading lists and library databases
  • weekly student online café.

Completion of assessment tasks should be completed within independent study time.