Medical Image Processing and Analysis module (ME51012)

Develop advanced skills in computational and mathematical methods used in medical image processing. 

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This Masters module will provide you with an understanding of the computational and mathematical methods used in medical image processing.

We will use a variety of radiological diagnostic scenarios and applications in this module, and 3D reconstruction and 3D printing of tissue models will be used as examples in laboratory sessions, allowing you to apply the methods learned.

This module is essential for those interested in medical imaging and healthcare.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • learn about major processes involved in the formation of medical images
  • learn quantitative analysis and visualisation of numerous medical imaging modalities
  • explore image processing algorithms
  • understand fundamental methods for image enhancement
  • understand the efficacy and drawbacks of techniques for image filtering and segmentation
  • learn image processing techniques using real medical images

By the end of this module, you will able to:

  • integrate clinical images and modern image processing methods into real world application, i.e. clinical visualisation and diagnosis
  • use mathematical skills to solve problems
  • use appropriate sources of information to develop your own knowledge
  • develop the skill base necessary to further explore advanced topics of Digital Image Processing
  • write an accurate lab report with good communication skills
  • process and analyse medial images based on different topics and produce written reports
  • apply knowledge and skills learned in lectures and relate this to the theory

Assignments / assessment:

  • Coursework: 100%
    • written reports on processing and analysing medical images
    • based on module topics
    • assessment is on the accuracy and presentation of the report

This module does not have a final exam

Teaching methods / timetable:

  • lectures and tutorials
    • 30 hours
  • practical and field work
    • 30 hours


This module is available on following courses: