Fundamentals of Adult Health and Care module (NA12201)

Explore fundamental theories essential for the adult nurse role in Scotland. These include pathophysiology, health promotion strategies, and clinical guidance

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Module code


This module follows on from your first placement experience.

It aims to tie together learning from your previous theory work in the first semester, and your first placement experience.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • learn about the causes (aetiology) of common conditions in adult patients
  • understand why certain conditions are more prevalent in different populations
  • study the underlying mechanisms (pathophysiology) of common adult conditions
  • explore health promotion and prevention strategies currently used in NHS Scotland. These strategies are used to enhance adult population health and wellbeing
  • familiarise yourself with current clinical guidelines used to treat the common medical conditions covered in the module
  • learn about the role of nurses and other members of the multidisciplinary team that work within healthcare settings
  • develop skills in communication, teamwork and leadership within healthcare settings. These are used to enhance both staff and patient experiences

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • understand the occurrence of common disease processes in adults and their underlying causes
  • access high-quality health promotion and prevention advice relevant to Scottish Healthcare
  • review current clinical guidance applicable to Scottish healthcare, comprehending their rationales and recommendations
  • show comprehension of the role of adult nursing in healthcare. You will also understand its integration within diverse healthcare teams across various settings
  • apply knowledge of communication, teamwork, and leadership concepts gained during the module to your upcoming practice placements

Assignments / assessment

  • 1,000-word critical reflective essay (60%)
  • 1,000-word annotated group PowerPoint presentation (40%)

This module does not have a final exam.

Teaching methods / timetable

  • lectures (weekly, 2 hours)
  • tutorials (weekly, 3 hours)
  • asynchronous materials


This module is available on following courses: