Work Based Skills and Innovative Practice module (NB30130)

Develop skills for driving innovation and change in the workplace

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You will learn about applying learning in various workplace settings.

You will develop skills or strategies aimed at driving innovation and change in the workplace.

This will allow you to improve effectiveness and outcomes for service users and carers.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • identify and analyse your own identified learning needs. This will be regarding the selected work-based learning topics. You will negotiate personal learning outcomes
  • show an understanding of the relationship between theory and workplace practice
  • appraise relevant evidence and apply this learning to your workplace practice

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • show the ability to work independently to meet deadlines
  • develop your own learning contract
  • negotiate your own learning outcomes
  • negotiate your own assessment strategy
  • reflect on your learning
  • undertake evidence and information searching and retrieval
  • critically assess the appropriate literature
  • use evidence-based practice

Assignments / assessment

  • formative assessment
    • You will develop a learning contract. This will include personal learning outcomes and the identification of appropriate learning strategies. This will be negotiated and agreed upon between you and your academic supervisor
  • portfolio (100%)
    • 1,000 words per 10 credits, up to a maximum of 6,000 words for 60 credits
    • your portfolio should include a learning contract with personal learning outcomes
    • Your portfolio will reflect on your learning. This will allow you to assess the learning process. It also allows you to reflect on how achievement of the learning outcomes enhanced personal practice or service delivery
    • your portfolio should be based on relevant quality evidence

This module does not have a final exam.

Teaching methods / timetable

  • tutorial support (maximum of four hours) and assignment advice (an hour)
    • This will guide you through producing learning outcomes for the learning contract. It will also review your progress
  • student-centred learning strategies
    • These are tailored to your individual learning needs, such as:
      • networking
      • shadowing
      • clinical supervision group tutorials
  • flexible learning materials, such as:
    • handouts
    • workbooks
    • resources for literature searching and critiquing
  • optional Practice Learning Log
    • some professional accreditation may require this