Work Based Skills and Innovative Practice module (NB40131)

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Module code


SCQF Level 10

This module is available in 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 60 credits maximum

Depending on student/programme requirements, credits to be undertaken will be negotiated with Module Leader and Programme Leader ( if applicable)

Available: 3 times per year, September, January & May

The module is a stand-alone or optional module for a postgraduate programme within the University.

Target Audience

All Health Professionals


Mode of Delivery

Students will negotiate their topic and learning outcomes with the module leader and work based mentor (if appropriate). Time to undertake relevant activities related to the module learning will also be identified.

Online support and discussion will be available to students. Topics for the discussion boards will be negotiated with students. Students will also be able to access peer support through the associated online community and will get 1:1 support from their academic supervisor.

Students will be largely responsible for organising their own learning. Guidance and tutorial support will be given to develop the learning contract which will require the formation of learning outcomes, details on how the learning experiences will be gained and the assessment plan and methods. Building upon a trigger to learning, for example a study day, practice update, workshop, information session or professional review the student will be provided with tutorial support (to a maximum of 4 hours, plus assignment advice of 1 hour) to produce learning outcomes for the learning contract and review progress.

The negotiated learning contract will provide a framework for the all the different activities, including progress review and will culminate in the agreed assessment methods The student will utilise a range of student centred learning strategies that is deemed appropriate to their learning needs e.g. networking, shadowing, clinical supervision group tutorials, also flexible learning materials e.g. hand-outs, workbooks, literature searching and critiquing to meet their learning needs. An optional Practice Learning Log is encouraged and in the case of some professional accreditation is required.

This log should normally reflect the notional effort aligned to the module. E.g. 150 hours (approximately). Practice based learning, if an integral part of the learning contract will take place at the students' workplace or placements.

Discussions led by the work place learning are encouraged to problem solve and reflect on practice. Feedback on the elements of the learning contract will be provided on an on-going basis so that students' participate in a critical and reflective evaluation of progress.

Module Aims

The module aims to provide students with the opportunity to gain academic credit through learning applied in a variety of settings. The module will enable students to identify their learning needs and negotiate learning to develop skills or strategies that aim to push boundaries and pioneer change in the workplace to improve effectiveness and outcomes in their organisations, This could include service users and / or carers, teams, customers, clients and /or themselves.

Module Overview

On completion of the module students will be able to:

Knowledge and understanding

  • Identify and analyse critically their own learning needs in relation to the selected work based learning topic
  • Identify and agree appropriate personal learning outcomes

Subject specific practical and intellectual skills and attribute

  • Demonstrate critical understanding of the relationship between theory and their workplace practice.
  • Critically analyse relevant evidence and apply this learning to their workplace practice

Transferable, employability and enterprise skills and attributes

  • Show initiative and demonstrate the ability to exercise autonomy and initiative to meet deadlines
  • Identify creative solutions from research based evidence to expand their own practice or service in clinical settings

Assessment Strategy

Negotiated assessment

The assessment is negotiated and agreed between the student, academic supervisor and / or mentor and includes:

  • Formative assessment
    • Development of a learning contract, including negotiated personal learning outcomes and identification of appropriate learning strategies
  • Summative assessment
    • Portfolio will consist of 1000 words per 10 credits of learning. (Up to 6000 words for 60 credits)

The portfolio should include:

  • Learning contract, including personal learning outcomes written to meet SCQF level 10
  • Reflection on learning and evaluation of the learning process.
  • Critical reflection on how achievement of the learning outcomes
  • The portfolio should be underpinned by relevant evidence

Module eligibility requirements

If students are undertaking as part of a programme, then students should meet the programme entry requirements.
If international student language requirements should be met.


Module Contact

For further information, please contact the School of Health Sciences
Telephone: +44(0)1382 388534