Developing Healthcare Practice in Mental Health Nursing 1 module (NM21203)

Learn how to help others in mental health nursing. This includes practising essential skills like listening and understanding different viewpoints

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You will learn important ways to talk and connect with people in mental health nursing. This will cover topics such as listening well and showing understanding and empathy.

You will also explore topics like medication and different ideas about mental illness. This will help you start thinking on your own about mental health nursing.

What you will learn

In this module, you will learn:

  • what influences mental health. You will look at different ideas about this like how our biology, experiences, and surroundings affect us
  • about psychopharmacology. You will explore how medications impact the brain. This provides insight into their use for treating mental health illness
  • the values of mental health nursing. These are important beliefs and principles that guide how you will interact with and support others
  • how to talk to someone who's feeling emotionally distressed. This includes ways to talk to someone in a helpful and supportive way. This will make them feel understood, and safe to share their feelings
  • how to support someone who may be thinking about suicide. You will be able to discuss ways to help them feel listened to and supported, and steps to take to keep them safe

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • understand how different ideas about mental health affect how we help people
  • understand how medicine for mental health can help, but also why it's important to exercise caution
  • understand how your own thoughts and feelings might affect how you help others

Assignments / assessment

  • 1,000-word essay (50%)
  • unseen exam (50%)

Teaching methods / timetable

  • practical sessions called Triads
    • Each triad has three roles: a listener, a speaker, and an observer.
      • As the listener, you will practice helping conversation skills in a safe environment.
      • The speaker shares an issue or dilemma.
      • The observer keeps track of time and provides feedback.

These sessions offer practical learning experiences in structured roles. These will help you develop essential skills for mental health nursing.

  • You will also join small group lectures.


This module is available on following courses: