Professional and Academic Skills and Knowledge 2 module (NU20203)

Enhance your professional, academic, and digital literacy skills. These are needed for you to be a registered nurse

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You will enhance your academic, professional, and digital literacy skills. These are needed to study at a degree level and to become a registered nurse.

This module is a continuation of the 1st year module of the same name. It builds on the skills you have been studying.

What you will learn

In this module you will:

  • further develop your understanding of evidence-based practice and healthcare research.
  • learn about the application of principles and approaches to improving quality and safety
  • apply the Nursing and Midwifery Council principles. You will learn more about becoming a registered nurse, and the implications for you as a student

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • understand quality improvement principles, tools, and methods
  • understand and apply the principles and tools for managing risk and patient safety
  • identify and use a range of evidence-based learning and teaching strategies. This will allow you to facilitate your own learning and that of others
  • explain a range of evidence-based healthcare research methods
  • discuss the concepts of professional accountability and responsibility

Assignments / assessment

  • 750-word essay (60%)
  • final multiple choice question exam (40%)

Teaching methods / timetable

  • lectures (online, at the beginning of the block)
  • tutorials (weekly, one hour)


This module is available on following courses: