Integrating mental health and professional practice module (PN50167)

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Module code


SCQF Level 11: 30 credits     ECTS: 15 credits

Target Audience

Registered with a professional, statutory or regulatory body and be required to work in a role where there is the opportunity to provide care to people with mental ill health or high risk of mental ill health

Mode of Delivery

The module content and supporting documents/resources are available in My Dundee. The content is released in units and is supported by the module reading list, which is embedded within the University’s virtual learning environment, My Dundee.

There is a strong emphasis on interaction throughout this online module. A range of different approaches will be adopted according to the needs of the students and the module. These includes live online lectures, tutorials, email discussion with tutors; discussion boards; web conferencing; and social media.

Module Aims

To prepare registered healthcare professionals to screen and assess those with mental health issues. To improve detection and management of mental health issues, including risk of suicide, in a variety of health care delivery settings.

Module Overview

On successful completion of the module student will have:

Knowledge and Understanding

  1. Critically apply relevant theory of holistic consultation and assessment skills to provide evidence-based care for patients and clients attending with a diagnosed or undiagnosed mental health issue.
  2. Critically employ decision making skills in relation to the management of mental health issues, including suicide risk.

Subject specific practical and intellectual skills

  1. Critically appraise and synthesise sources of information and advice in caring for patients and clients with a mental health issue.

Transferable, employability and enterprise skills and attributes

  1. Demonstrate the ability to exercise autonomy, accountability and leadership within this sphere of practice.
  2. Critically evaluate the role of healthcare or community professionals in mental health promotion, treatment and management.

Assessment Strategy

Two specific assessment approaches will be used to assess the module learning outcomes:

  • Practice based learning portfolio comprising completion of 4 x 250-word patient or client logs
  • 2,000-word essay demonstrating achievement of the learning outcomes 

Module eligibility requirements

Students on this module must have a relevant first degree or equivalent,  be registered with a professional, statutory or regulatory body and be required to work in a role where there is the opportunity to provide care to people with mental ill health or high risk of mental ill health

Module Contact

For further information, please contact the School of Health Sciences
Telephone: +44(0)1382 388534