Psychology and Me: Understanding ourselves in the wider world module (PY12003)

Learn about psychology and its applications in our connected world

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In this module we will explore how psychology can help you survive and thrive in the modern world; it addresses some of the challenges encountered in everyday life and explores some of the psychological tools available to help overcome these challenges.

We will cover a wide range of topics in this module, such as mindfulness learning strategies, green prescribing (where nature-based activities are recommended to improve mental well-being), connectedness, positive psychology (which aims to actively improve people's happiness, confidence, and optimism), health and behaviour change, as well as stress management.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • develop an understanding of the concept of 'individual differences'
  • become familiar with psychological knowledge and skills to address challenges encountered in everyday life (e.g. building resilience)
  • develop skills required to critically evaluate relevant evidence (e.g. recognising cherry picking; bias; media coverage)

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • demonstrate an understanding of the distinction between psychological concepts rooted in empirical evidence versus non-empirical sources of information
  • recognise and explain theories, concepts, and debates related to individual differences and psychological challenges encountered in everyday life
  • discuss and critically evaluate psychological concepts (e.g. positive psychology, green prescribing, etc.) and apply them to enhance psychological well-being
  • research, analyse, and communicate information related to psychological concepts encountered in everyday life

Assignments / assessment

  • coursework (95%)
  • attendance at tutorials (5%)

Coursework includes, for example, quizzes, discussion board engagement, and project work.

Teaching methods / timetable

  • in-person lectures
  • in-person tutorials


This module is available on following courses: