Reading Development and Disability module (PY40004)

Explore neurodiversity in the context of learning to read

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Although most children find it relatively easy to learn to read, reading draws upon a large set of underlying cognitive abilities, creating many points at which the process can break down.

This module offers an analysis of theories about reading development. It also explores the latest research on how this process can be disrupted in developmental dyslexia using evidence from biological, cognitive, and behavioural approaches.

Topics covered in the module include:

  • phases of reading development
  • cognitive components of reading
  • definition and diagnosis of dyslexia
  • cognitive neuroscience of reading and dyslexia
  • compensation and intervention in dyslexia

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • learn how findings from neuroscience, cognitive, and linguistic research inform our understanding of reading development
  • extend your knowledge of theories about how we learn to read
  • explore the implications of research for practical educational questions like the definition, assessment, and treatment of dyslexia
  • learn about the controversies that divide opinion in this field

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • write and speak in a well-informed way about the typical sequence of reading development
  • demonstrate a detailed knowledge of the characteristics and causes of reading difficulties
  • evaluate research findings critically
  • use theories and research evidence to make recommendations about interventions for dyslexia

Assignments / assessment

  • coursework essay 2,500 words (40%)
  • unseen exam (60%)

Teaching methods / timetable

  • lectures
  • seminars
  • student-led discussions

You will be expected to read before sessions for a high level of engagement.


This module is available on following courses: