Relationship Building Skills module (SW11011)

Understand communication skills in the context of 'relationship-based' social work practice

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This Module has a focus on ‘relationship skills’ in social work. You will be expected to develop your learning about relationship skills, drawing on relevant experience, recommended reading, lecture content, discussion and other exercises.

The programme overall is designed to enable you to demonstrate requirements in the Standards in Social Work Education (SSSC 2019) and the Code of Practice (SSSC 2016). The way in which the Module is taught is also intended to illustrate a recognition of how these professional expectations relate to the Global Definition of Social Work ( IFSW/IASSW 2014)

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • communicate effectively with a range of individuals and groups
  • develop your ability to communicate effectively in dialogue and in writing
  • understand communication skills in the context of 'relationship based' social work practice

By the end of the module, you will be able to:

  • use inter-personal skills at a beginning level required for contemporary social work practice.
  • reflect upon decisions and choices made regarding communication, and to consider issues of anti-oppressive practice
  • understand the place of relationship building in the wider context of social work practice
  • use a range of basic written and oral communication skills

Assignments / assessment

  • case study (2,000 words) - 100%

This module does not have a final exam.

Teaching methods / timetable

  • lectures
  • workshops
  • talks by invited speakers


This module is available on following courses: