Research Methods in Social Work Practice and Policy module (SW52008)

Explore and evaluate the use of research and other sources of evidence as relevant to fields of practice and policy

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This module is designed to equip you with the necessary knowledge and skills to critically evaluate and apply research in the context of social work and policy development. Our primary aim is to enable you to explore and critically assess the use of research and various sources of evidence related to the fields of social work practice and policy. You will not only gain insights into the ethical foundations of research but also learn about the diverse forms of knowledge relevant to the development of social work practice and policy. We will guide you in understanding how this knowledge can be accessed, generated, and applied ethically.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • explore ethical foundations and various forms of knowledge relevant to social work practice and policy
  • gain a critical awareness of different evidence sources and their ethical use
  • develop reflexive skills for the application of research in practice
  • learn about ethical, culturally competent, and pragmatic research design for social work
  • acquire the skills to conduct a coherent and critical analysis of knowledge in social work

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • critically assess the generation and application of research knowledge and evidence in global and local contexts
  • understand the social context of research knowledge and evidence
  • apply various forms of evidence to specific fields of practice and policy in social work
  • utilise critical skills to apply research and other forms of evidence to social work practice and policy
  • enhance your communication skills and professional confidence for practice, policy, and leadership in social work

Assignments / assessment

  • short formative individual written task (0%)
  • summative assignment: a 4,000-word essay (100%)
    • this is a proposal, rationale, and structure for a short piece of research, project work, or secondary review of evidence

This module does not have a final exam.

Teaching methods / timetable

  • lectures
  • seminars


This module is available on following courses: