Planning for Sustainable Places module (UP11004)

Learn about the concepts and principles of urban planning and the challenges in contemporary cities.

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Module code


Develop an understanding of the origins and development of the planning system in the UK, the changes that were put in place to improve physical, social, and environmental issues, and how historical development has an impact on how we manage our places to now and for the future.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • learn about major sustainable development issues facing our towns and cities
  • discover some of the key influencers of planning and place from the 19th Century and beyond
  • develop an understanding of some of the key legislation and policy that have been used to shape our places
  • apply site analysis techniques to investigate and propose innovative solutions to contemporary challenges
  • learn how to use digital map-making tools used in practice to investigate a place and undertake analysis

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • communicate ideas and proposals through written and visual techniques
  • evaluate arguments and complex ideas within a written format
  • undertake basic analysis of a site for its development potential
  • use digital tools to communicate information

Assignments / assessment

  • essay (50%)
  • site analysis report (50%)

This module does not have a final exam.

Teaching methods / timetable

The module is taught over 11 weeks in Semester 1. Week 6 is designated as a reading week and there will be no taught classes in that week.

You will learn through a variety of means:

  • Lectures
  • Workshops
  • A site visit takes place in the local area twice in the semester to different locations.
  • Digital classes


This module is available on following courses: