Reading Urban Places module (UP12004)

Gain an understanding of how urban places develop and acquire the ability to analyse, articulate, and explain place identity.

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Module code


This module explores how urban places develop. It will cover complex political, social, economic, aesthetic, and technological factors that contribute to the development and evolution of urban areas.

It will also support you in developing the ability to analyse, articulate, and explain place identity, which is the distinct characteristics, meanings, and values that define a place and differentiate it from others.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • learn about the form, function, and character of the built environment and how they evolve in response to complex political, social, economic, aesthetic, and technological factors
  • develop an understanding of the theory and practice of townscape analysis as a key professional tool in the development of high quality, inclusive places
  • be introduced to manual and digital visual communication techniques
  • learn about the basic design principles (massing, scale, material etc.) and how they might apply in urban contexts

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • demonstrate knowledge of basic principles and history of urban and architectural forms
  • show an understanding of the impact of design choices on the development of high quality, inclusive places
  • show an understanding of the relationship between urban form and human activity
  • formulate and implement systematic fieldwork and documentary research
  • work effectively within a small team
  • apply visual analytical and communication skills, both digitally and manually

Assignments / assessment

  • individual sketchbook (40%)
    • given at the beginning of semester
    • due mid semester
  • group townscape analysis (60%)
    • given at the beginning of semester
    • due at the end of semester

This module does not have a final exam

Teaching methods / timetable

  • on-campus lectures
    • focus on key topics that will then support work undertaken in the workshop the same week
  • on- campus workshops
    • create opportunities to explore the key topics, investigating in small groups or pairs and sharing this knowledge with others
  • site visit
    • takes place in the local area to undertake a sketchbook study


This module is available on following courses: