Urban Planning: Research Design and Methodologies module (UP31006)

Develop the research skills necessary for undertaking a significant research project with an emphasis on design led research.

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You will develop an understanding of the conceptual and methodological underpinnings of research design, developing the research skills necessary to formulate and implement the Level 4 Dissertation/Major Research Project. It provides a learning opportunity in creative and written approaches to research.

What you will learn

In this module, you will:

  • learn core concepts of research including ontology, epistemology, and methodology
  • be able to undertake research problem identification
  • develop approaches to research design

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • demonstrate a critical knowledge and understanding of the relationship between research philosophy, research design, and diverse research methods
  • identify issues/problems relating to urban planning policy and practice and formulate these as effective research questions
  • construct an academically sound research strategy aimed at providing valid solutions to the issue or problem identified
  • manage and produce work to time on an individual basis
  • have enhanced creative problem-solving skills

Assignments / assessment

The module will be assessed through practical interaction and participation in the workshops held and a short research proposal that will outline an indicative research problem that you may wish to investigate.

This module does not have a final exam.

Teaching methods / timetable

This module is delivered as a condensed block of learning that will take place in weeks 9 to 11 following an introduction via lecture in Week 1.

The learning will be focussed around complimentary lectures and workshop that will allow you practice design led research, research problem identification and problem solving.


This module is available on following courses: