Amina Shah

Member of Court

Amina Shah
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Amina Shah, FRSE is the National Librarian and Chief Executive of the National Library of Scotland. She has more than 25 years of experience across the cultural sector in Scotland, spanning the public sector, third-sector charities and higher education. She was a previous CEO of the Scottish Library and Information Council and Director of Programme at the Scottish Book Trust and President of the Chartered Institute of Library and Informational Professionals in Scotland. She has held a range of Board appointments, including being a Trustee of the Institute of Advanced Studies in the Humanities, National Library of Scotland, StAnza Poetry Festival, and Horsecross Arts and she is a member of the Advisory Boards of the British Library and Common Purpose UK.

Amina is a graduate of Dundee University (1992-1996) and Strathclyde (1997-98) and a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and a Visiting Professor at the School of Cultural and Creative Business at Robert Gordon University. She has a strong interest in the role education and culture play in empowering individuals and communities and how organisations can work collaboratively and creatively to maximise their impact and reach.