Dr Andrew Brennan

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+44 (0)1382 384348


Andrew Brennan graduated from the University of Oxford in 1999 with a first class degree in Engineering Science before moving to the University of Cambridge to work on earthquake geotechnics and dynamic centrifuge modelling, first as a PhD student and then later as a Junior Research Fellow.

He joined the University of Dundee in 2005 as a University Lecturer in Geotechnical Engineering and is manager of the geotechnical centrifuge facility. He is currently on the Editorial Review Board for the International Journal of Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering, and sat on the Géotechnique Advisory Panel from 2008-2010. His research interests are in aspects of dynamic soil behaviour, particularly those associated with earthquakes or with offshore engineering applications.


  • Earthquake-induced soil liquefaction
  • Ground improvement in earthquake geotechnics
  • Fault-soil-structure interaction
  • Soil-pipeline interaction
  • Geotechnical centrifuge modelling
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