Edward Summerton

Senior Lecturer

Contemporary Art Practice, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design

Portrait photo of Edward Summerton
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+44 (0)1382 385228


Edward Summerton has exhibited internationally in both solo and group exhibitions as an artist whose work has expanded from the practice of painting into photography, sound works, prints, objects, collaborations and the organising of events and exhibitions. He has recently curated Blind Sight where 50 visual artists were invited to submit sound works to be exhibited as a jukebox installation; Doctor Skin, a unique public art event where artists designed temporary tattoos to be worn by the public; Bird of the Devil, a publication collaborating with 17 writers, and Digital VD, a one hour film work involving one minute films by 60 artists.

Edward Summerton’s fascination with the representation of nature and natural history can sometimes cause more concern than satisfaction. He continues to make works of almost pure misdirection; simultaneously invitational with skill of hand, yet isolating with the idea-spasm of a half recognised horror image. Culled from some perfectly fabricated diorama from the Museum of Doubt; the environment replicates the small spare space existing between the housing schemes and the landscape, which is willfully scattered with his paintings, books, prints, photographs, sound works, objects and collaborations, like the after effects of an ill fated event of the rural calendar; with the last standing, staggering, log- mask wearing, goat- horn booted community centre reject, silently sifting through the demented visual remnants.


“Diary of an Egg Collector”

collaborative publication with Graham Fagen 2010 Art + Media publication distributed by Printed Matter, New York

"Prints of Darkness"

Co-curated with Dr Norman Shaw and Sarah Manning Cordwell. A touring exhibition, commissioned by Edinburgh Printmakers as their 2010 International Edinburgh Festival Exhibition, consisting of a limited edition of 30-boxed sets of 11 original prints with an accompanying picture-disc vinyl record and publication. The project brings together the work of 12 visual artists who have an association with sonic arts and recording, from performance to curatorial involvement. Tour includes: Edinburgh Printmakers -August 2009. Duncan of Jordanstone College, Mathew Gallery -October 2009. The Changing Rooms Stirling- May 2010. Artists in project are: Andrew Cranston, Tommy Crooks, Malcy Duff, Duncan Marquiss, Lee O'Connor, Chris Orr, Norman Shaw, Edward Summerton, The Lonely Piper (AKA artist Colin Martin), Andy Wake, Mark Wallace, with Vicky Bennett, AKA People Like Us producing the limited edition 12" picture vinyl record.

"Lock up your Otters"

A one-person exhibition in Shetland Museum -March - May 2010,supported by a launch of a limited edition publication "Diary of an Egg Thief" collaborating with Graham Fagen.
The "Lock up your otters" installation and collaborative publication is an investigation of the representation of nature and natural history within the format of the museum collection; the dioramas, illustrations and field recordings; through the making of objects, film works, paintings, drawing and collaborative events.
The museum diorama could almost represent my recent art practice - fabricating a history that offers a virtual or given world that hovers between paintings, sound installation and sculpture

"Solutions" : Contemporary Scottish Watercolours

Showing at the Scottish National Galleries in conjunction with the annual exhibiting of the Turner watercolours. January 1st - 31st 2010

Exhibiting artists- Alan Davie, Eileen Lawrence, Donlald Urquart, Kate Whiteford, Adrian Wisznieski, Edward Summerton


An Artist's Imaginary Aviary
Group show at Salisbury Art Centre August 1st - October 18th 2009 
Exhibiting artists Bob & Roberta Smith, John Gillett, Mahali O'Hare, Lyndall Phelps, Jamie Shovlin, Lizzie Sykes, Bill Woodrow, Daphnie Wright, Edward Summerton

"Delayed by Storm"

A postal art project, collaborating with writer Don Paterson, producing a limited edition boxed set of screen-print and hand stamped postcards only available from the Summer Isles Post office. The boxed set of cards was made in response to the invitation to design the 2009 Summer Isles stamp issue and first day cover. The Post Office printed 5000 of each stamp ( 4 denominations) plus 5000 mini sheets for world wide collectors and collections. 1000 first-day covers will be printed for the launch of the new stamps. Edition launched August 2009. Boxed set of cards available from August 2009 - August 2010.

Digital VD

Co-curated with Michael Windle and Moira Scott. Digital VD was a one hour viral film work comprising of 60 artists one minute films with accompanying publication with texts by Dr James Williams and Dr Jonny Murray Supported by Edinburgh College of Art, Dundee University, The Carnegie UK Trust and Crane Arts Philadelphia
Exhibition toured to - Brown Center : MICA Baltimore USA November 2008 Edinburgh Printmakers 7 February 2008 Incident Report (10) Hudson New York USA Margaret St Gallery Birmingham City University UK November 2007 Mat's Flat Ul. Holowki 00-749 Warsaw Poland 20 October 2007 Groenhazengracht 1 Leiden Netherlands 6 October 2007 21 October 2007 Dundee Contemporary Arts Galerie Weissraum Kyoto Japan 20 September 2007 1-29 September 2007 The Ice Box Crane Arts Center Philadelphia USA Preview Edinburgh College of Art Sunday 26 August 2007
Bird of the Devil Exhibition and publication.

Media availability

I am available for media commentary on my research.

Contact Corporate Communications for media enquiries.

Areas of expertise

  • Art and design
