Dr Evie Fioratou

Senior Lecturer

Undergraduate Medicine, School of Medicine

Evridiki Fioratou
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Dr Fioratou is leading Human Factors teaching in undergraduate medicine.

She received her PhD in Psychology from Lancaster University in 2006. She has since worked as a Research Fellow in Psychology and Human Factors at the Universities of Nottingham, Aberdeen, and Hertfordshire.

Her research has been funded by EPSRC, Scottish Funding Council, British Academy, ESRC, & The Leverhulme Trust.


EDR Mediator

I have been working in academia since 2001, having held a PhD teaching scholarship at Lancaster University and Research Fellowships at Hertfordshire, Aberdeen and Nottingham Universities, before becoming a Lecturer at Dundee in 2013, where I also serve as a member of our Medical School’s Professionalism and Ethics Committees.

My research journey has taken me from experimental cognitive psychology, investigating creative problem solving, cognitive biases and individual differences in the lab, to applied psychology/human factors, investigating healthcare processes, ranging from difficult airway management in anaesthesia to paediatric management in Malawi. Becoming an applied researcher has equipped me with the skills necessary to navigate complexity and uncertainty in the healthcare domain and it has served me well in navigating the complexities and uncertainties of conflict situations in the workplace.

My experiences at different Universities in the UK have allowed me to appreciate the diversity of working practices, styles and organisational cultures that shape how we work together. Conflict is ubiquitous and, despite the negative connotations, it can become a transformative experience that leads to insight and resilience.

I recently trained as a mediator and joined the EDR team to contribute to our University community by providing the conditions under which conflict can be resolved productively with all the parties involved.


  • Multidisciplinary Assessment of Technology Centre for Healthcare (Funded by EPSRC, University of Nottingham, 2012-2013)
  • Diagnostic fixation errors in cervical cytopathology (Funded by British Academy Small Research Grant, University of Aberdeen, 2010-2011)
  • Anaesthetists' Distributed Situation Awareness during major obstetric haemorrhage cases, Tactical Decision Games as a training tool in anaesthesia, Human factors analysis of difficult airway management (Funded by Scottish Funding Council, University of Aberdeen, 2008-2011)
  • Verbalisation & self-explanation in insight and non-insight problem solving (Funded by ESRC, University of Hertfordshire, 2007-2008)
  • Individual differences in insight and non-insight problem solving (Funded by The Leverhulme Trust, University of Hertfordshire, 2005-2007)
View full research profile and publications


Dr Fioratou is the Medical School Lead in Human Factors Science teaching.

She is currently teaching in MBChB and in BMSc International Health.

She is supervising 4th year MBChB, MPH and MSc projects.
