Ewan Eadie

Head of Scientific Services for Photobiology and Optical Radiation

Medical Physics, School of Medicine

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+44 (0) 1382 740074


Ewan graduated with first class honours from the University of Strathclyde in 2005 with Masters in Physics and Mathematical Finance. Following this he embarked on a PhD with Professor Harry Moseley at the Photobiology Department in Ninewells Hospital in Dundee. During his PhD he worked closely with the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) and published several papers including his work on the effect of exposure of photosensitive individuals to energy saving lamps and the optical radiation hazard from intense pulsed light (IPL) systems.

Having completed his PhD by the summer of 2009 he accepted a position in the Nuclear Medicine Department at Ninewells Hospital as a Route 2 Pre-registration Clinical Scientist. Whilst in the Nuclear Medicine Department he was involved in editing and co-authoring IPEM Report 111 Quality Control of Gamma Cameras and Nuclear Medicine Computer Systems.

Ewan completed his registration as a Clinical Scientist in October 2013 and moved back to the Photobiology Unit in August 2015, taking up the position of Head of Scientific Services for Photobiology and Optical Radiation.


Ewan’s specialist interest is accurate measurement of optical radiation, optical radiation safety and quality assurance. He has previously been involved with research into the ultraviolet output of sunbeds, demonstrating that nine out of ten sunbeds exceed safety limits. The recent focus is on innovative technology and how it can be used to improve patient care within optical radiation, particularly with respect to daylight Photodynamic Therapy. There are several grant applications and collaborations with industry, international partners, UK healthcare providers and public health bodies.

View full research profile and publications


  • An Introduction to Photodermatology. MSc Design for Medical Technologies. University of Dundee.
  • Laser & IPL Safety in Healthcare. Bi-annual Introduction to Photodermatology, Photodynamic Therapy & Laser Therapy Course. Ninewells Hospital & Medical School.
  • Basic Laser Physics. Bi-annual Introduction to Photodermatology, Photodynamic Therapy & Laser Therapy Course. Ninewells Hospital & Medical School.
  • Phototesting by Wavelength. Bi-annual Introduction to Photodermatology, Photodynamic Therapy & Laser Therapy Course. Ninewells Hospital & Medical School.
