Dr Georgios Chrysanthou


Business Office, School of Business

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Georgios Chrysanthou is a microeconometrician focusing in applied and theoretical panel and cross-sectional data analysis. He held posts at the University of Bath, the University of Sheffield (School of Mathematics and Statistics, and School of Health and Related Research), the University of Alicante, and Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). His research has been funded by Public Health England, the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Generalitat Valenciana (Spain), and the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.

Education/Academic qualification

  • Bachelor of Science in Economics, University of Warwick, (fully funded)
  • Master of Science in Economics, University of Warwick
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Economics, University of York


PhD Supervision

I am willing to supervise PhD students in applied and theoretical econometrics (microeconometric focus). I am particularly interested in cross-sectional and panel data analysis, and empirical applications in health, geography, labour and political economy.