Professor Grant McIntyre

Honorary Professor

Dentistry, School of Dentistry

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+44 (0)1382 740984




  • Clinical Director for the Hospital Dental Service in NHS Tayside
  • Consultant Orthodontist at Dundee Dental Research Hospital & School, Perth Royal Infirmary and Ninewells Hospital
  • Honorary Professor, University of Dundee
  • My clinical work involves the orthodontic management of dentofacial deformity, cleft lip & palate, hypodontia, impacted teeth, as well as the management of routine and severe malocclusions
  • Examiner for MFDS and MOrth for the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
  • Examiner for Intercollegiate Specialty Fellowship Examination in Orthodontics
  • Member of Dental Council, Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh
  • Member of the Specialist Advisory Committee for Orthodontics
  • External examinerships in Dublin (DChDent) and Cork (BDS)
  • Enhanced appraiser for NHS Tayside
  • External assessor for various career-grade recruitment panels and Annual Review of Competence Progression panels


My research interests include:

  • 3D Imaging and automated digital technology using cone-beam CT, facial stereophotogrammetry, MRI & CAD-CAM technology for cleft lip & palate care, facial growth and occlusal anomalies
  • Effectiveness of Orthodontic Care – investigations of the effectiveness of orthodontic appliances through randomised controlled trials and Cochrane reviews
  • Aetiopathogenesis of cleft lip & palate and the reliability of subphenotyping
  • Many of these projects involve supervision of doctorate/masters students and external collaboration.


  • Training Programme Director for Orthodontics
  • Educational Supervisor and Clinical Supervisor for Specialty Training Registrars and Postgraduate Students in Orthodontics
  • Clinical teaching and lectures for undergraduate BDS and BSc Oral Health Sciences students
  • Vocational Dental Practitioner study days
  • Section 63 Courses for General Dental Practitioners
  • SQA Professional Development Award Dental Nursing: Orthodontics

PhD Projects

Principal supervisor