Dr Ioannis Zisis


Management and Marketing, School of Business

Ioannis Zisis
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Ioannis (Yiannis) Zisis joined the School of Business as a Lecturer in Marketing. He previously worked for Sheffield Hallam University, Wrexham Glyndwr University and the University of Hull, where he completed his PhD studies holding the Connected Communities Scholarship.

Yiannis also carries a 15yr professional experience from the private sector and government positions in Greece and he is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (Advance HE).


Yiannis is currently the School of Business Deputy Associate Dean for Education, Learning and Teaching with focus on Postgraduate Teaching (TPG). 

Previously he acted as Assessment Leader for Undergraduate Studies in Marketing & Management.


Yiannis received the 2022-23 School of Business Award for Embedding Research and/or Scholarship in Teaching.

He was also a member of the School of Business academic team that won the 2023 Herald Award for Enhancing Student Learning by Developing Digital Marketing Skills for a Sustainable Future.


Yiannis’s interests relate to branding and social media with a particular focus on political communication, government branding and political representatives. 

Yiannis has acted as Panel Chair, Reviewer and Presenter of papers in international conferences organised by the Academy of Marketing (AM), the Political Studies Association (PSA), the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) and the University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES).


Yiannis is currently the Module Leader for Marketing Management & Strategy. 

He assumes various teaching responsibilities, mostly in PG modules like Brand Management & Strategy, Social Media Marketing, Marketing as Creative Practice, Customer Experience Design etc.

He is also part of the team that oversees the School of Business Masters Projects.


Yiannis is interested to supervise PhD students in his areas of expertise: 

  • Political Marketing & Campaigning
  • Branding (Governments & Representatives)
  • Social Media & Political Participation


Yiannis’s scholarship efforts focus on:

  • understanding the importance of student feedback
  • establishing processes of module co-design with students
  • ensuring equality and interactive participation
  • using teaching methods that enrich the quality of the student journey

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