Professor Jacob George

Clinical Professor (Teaching and Research)

Cardiovascular Research, School of Medicine

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+44 (0)1382 383204


Professor Jacob George is Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine & Therapeutics at the University of Dundee Medical School. Professionally, he is a Consultant Physician in qualified in Clinical Pharmacology and General Internal Medicine and is an accredited European Hypertension Specialist. His clinical interest is in managing patients with high Cardiovascular risk and he is Clinical Lead for the Cardiovascular Risk Service in Tayside. His research interests are focused on managing cardiovascular risk factors such as left ventricular hypertrophy, salt and smoking/vaping. His research publications have been covered by more than 50 news organizations worldwide and he has conducted more than 80 media interviews including live television broadcasts to national and international media on the results of his research.

He is actively involved in Medicines Governance in the UK being the National Clinical Lead for the Scottish Medicines Consortium. In this capacity, he sits on the Steering Group of the Innovative Licensing and Access Pathway (ILAP), a joint initiative between the MHRA, NICE,SMC and AWTTC. Locally, he is Chair of the Medicines Advisory Group and is a member of the PACS Tier 2 Committee. He also sits on the National Review Panel for drugs not approved by the SMC. He was recently appointed by the Minister of Health, Malaysia as an International Expert Member of the Malaysian Scientific Review Panel for Phase I Clinical Trials.

Professor George is the current chairman of Scottish Heart and Arterial Risk Prevention (SHARP) Society

Media availability

I am available for media commentary on my research.

Professor Khan’s research focusses on bridging basic science and clinical medicine by forming a better understand the underlying signalling pathways involved in development of cardiovascular disease. Areas of expertise include assessment of endothelial function and arterial stiffness in the early development and progression of cardiovascular disease in human populations.

Contact Corporate Communications for media enquiries.

Areas of expertise

  • Heart disease
  • Medicines
  • Smoking and vaping
