Dr Lee Roberts


Business Office, School of Business

Lee Roberts
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+44 (0)1382 385812


Lee joined the School of Business in January 2021 and completed her PhD from Brunel University, London. Before pursuing her doctoral studies, Lee gained a BAcc in Accounting from The University of the West of Scotland graduating with a First Class Honours.

Lee’s PhD focused on corporate accountability for biodiversity and extinction. Her research interests include biodiversity and extinction reporting, circular economy, and wider social and environmental governance and corporate social responsibility. Her research has been published in a number of peer-reviewed journals including Business, Strategy and the Environment, Journal of Business Ethics, and Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management. She has presented her work at a variety of conferences including the 2021 British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA) Annual Conference, and the 2021 Centre for Critical Accounting and Auditing Research Annual Conference.

Lee has three years teaching experience and has gained Associate Fellow status at the Higher Education Academy (HEA).


Research themes

  • Biodiversity and Extinction Accounting
  • Corporate Social Responsibility
  • Social and Environmental Reporting
View full research profile and publications


Lee is involved in teaching the following subjects:

  • BU30005 -Taxation
  • BU40001 - Social Responsibility
  • BU40006 - Fiscal Studies
  • BU51005 -Tax Compliance and Fiscal Studies

Second supervisor