Dr Michael Crabb

Head of Computing (Discipline)

Computing, School of Science and Engineering

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+44 (0)1382 385491




Michael joined the University of Dundee as a Lecturer in 2018, having previously completed his PhD and RA positions at the same institution between 2010-2015. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Authority (FHEA), the Royal Society of the Arts (FRSA), a Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) and a Certified Scrum Master (CSM). His expertise lies in qualitative research analysis, understanding user needs, and web development technologies. His research interests fall into three main areas:

  • Immersive Technology Interface Design
  • Accessibility of Digital Media Artefacts
  • Games Accessibility and Testing

His research has been supported by funding from Scottish Funding Council (through Interface Innovation Vouchers), the Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance, and the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland.

Academic Service and Leadership Summary

Michael holds a number of local, national, and international research leadership positions with this including:

  • Co-lead for the UX at Dundee research group,
  • Leads the Human Centred Computing Research Cluster within the School of Science and Engineering
  • Co-lead for the SICSA Human-Computer Interaction Research Theme
  • Lead for Mixed Reality Accessibility Guideline Development within the W3C Accessibility Guidelines Working Group WCAG3 Task Force.

In addition to his leadership positions, he also supports Program Committees within a range of high-quality academic conferences including ACM Conference in Computer-Human Interaction (ACM-CHI), ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (ACM-ASSETS), and ACM Conference in Interactive Media Experiences (ACM-IMX).

Michael is engaged in the organisation of academic conferences and workshops with this including ACM Conference in Interactive Media Experiences (2021 Accessibility Chair), HCI Camp – Research Methods Summer School (2019 Event Chair, Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance Conference (2019 Poster Chair, 2018 General Chair), and SICSA HCI Doctoral Consortium (2018 Event Chair).

Education Summary

Michael teaches within the Discipline of Computing in the School of Science and Engineering. His main teaching responsibilities are within:

  • AC11002 – WWW Authoring
  • AC31007 – Agile Software Development

Supporting his teaching activities, he is a GitHub Campus Advisor and an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Campus Expert where he supports students and staff in using technologies related to web development. He has received internal awards for his teaching practice (SSEN Best Assessment and Feedback 2020, SSEN Staff Member of the Year 2020) and has previously supported local primary schools in teaching computer science through CodeClub and Hour of Code Activities.

Media availability

I am available for media commentary on my research.

Contact Corporate Communications for media enquiries.

Areas of expertise

  • Accessibility/disability
  • Computing
  • Digital technology
