Neil Bowie

Head of Strategic Business Improvement

Executive, University Executive and Strategy Office

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+44 (0)1382 381362


I rejoined the University in 2011 having previously worked here from 1994-2000. During my first stint I was involved in Marketing and Business development for CEPMLP and Law before leaving to undertake an MSc. Upon my return I took up a role with The Enterprise Gym (now Centre for Entrepreneurship) that involved the delivery of modules and workshops both inside and outside the curriculum. Since April 2016 I have been employed in UoD IT as a Business Partner.

In the years in between, I undertook a wide variety of roles from running my own businesses, graduate recruitment, managing other peoples’ businesses and working at a college and another Scottish University.

Despite my varied roles one thing that has been a constant is my interest in people and how they interact with each other in professional environments and the wider impact this can have on colleagues and life outside of work. It is this interest that led me to the EDR team. Being able facilitate a process that can have such a positive impact on peoples daily lives is very rewarding and a privilege.