Noor Huda Ismail

Alumni Ambassador

Noor Huda Ismai
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Noor is from and lives in Malaysia and achieved her MDSc Prosthodontics within the School of Dentistry, graduating in 2012.

About Noor

I am a dental lecturer/dental specialist in prosthodontics at the School of Dental Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). I am also a member of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow.

I enjoy playing guitar a lot. I have composed a few songs in both Malay and English. One song is ‘Kacip, Geraham dan Taring’, which means ‘Incisor, Molar, and Canine’. The song is about teeth. I have written two children’s books. They are educational children’s books published by a well-known publisher in Malaysia, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.

Recently, I am so grateful to have been involved as a chairperson for the 3rd Annual General Meeting of the USM International Students Society. The event was conducted in April 2021 via live and virtual media.

Reason for becoming an alumni ambassador

I hope that I can contribute as an alumna of the University of Dundee, especially for Dundee Dental School. I would love to participate in any event that may help other students.

If you want to get in touch with Noor to hear her experience or ask questions, then please email the Alumni Relations Team at

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