Dr Shalini Gupta

Senior Lecturer

Undergraduate Medicine, School of Medicine

Transfer Student Lead for MBChB - Lecturer

Undergraduate Medicine, School of Medicine

Clinical Lecturer

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+44 (0)1382 383497


Shalini graduated in medicine from the University of Delhi, India, and subsequently trained in Pharmacology to be awarded MD and DNB in 2002. Prior to joining the University of Dundee in 2009, she has worked in several premier medical colleges in India, where she was involved in research and teaching activities.

Shalini is currently a lecturer with the School of Medicine at Dundee. She has introduced several interactive teaching workshops for medical students and contributes to various pharmacology related activities throughout the medical curriculum. She has a Masters of Medical education and is a supervisor in the BMSc degree programme. She is also a member of the Academy of Medical Educators and the AMEE MedEdWorld which is a global medical education community.

Shalini is passionate about teaching and research, and considers it a real privilege to work with dedicated and keen students.


Shalini has been involved in medical education research on

  • Learning and transition experiences of medical students undertaking Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships (LIC)
  • Students’ perceptions of psychological safety in online classrooms
  • Speciality and rural career interests of students through the undergraduate medical course
View full research profile and publications



Shalini is involved in developing, organizing and delivering prescribing related teaching throughout the medical school undergraduate curriculum. These include lectures, tutorials, online sessions and interactive case discussions. She has developed several small group teaching workshops focused at safe prescribing to prepare undergraduate medical students for their prescribing role as foundation doctors. Shalini oversees the pharmacology stream of the biomedical sciences theme of 5th year case discussions, and is involved in marking and providing elaborate individual feedback for these. She is a member of the prescribing curriculum group, and is actively involved in the curriculum review process to ensure optimum horizontal and vertical integration of teaching activities to meet the GMC outcomes for graduates. She is also an undergraduate medical e-portfolio supervisor (5th year).

BMSc Intercalated Degree Programme

Shalini is a project supervisor with the Medical Education BMSc programme, which involves supervising and supporting students through project design, ethical considerations, research execution and dissertation writing.
