Dr Sourav Banerjee

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Sourav Banerjee finished his Masters from the University of Glasgow in 2009 and carried out his PhD in Life Sciences from the MRC Protein Phosphorylation and Ubiquitylation Unit, University of Dundee under Prof Dario Alessi in 2013. As a PhD student, his work was investigating the regulation, function, and molecular mechanism of action of AMPK-related NUAK1 kinase. Following this, he moved to University of California San Diego, USA to join the laboratory of Prof. Jack E Dixon as a postdoctoral fellow from 2014 to 2020. During that time his research was focused on the role of DYRK2 as a kinase phosphorylating and regulating the 26S proteasome. As a post doctoral scholar, he set up a multi-disciplinary project to identify and characterise a small molecule inhibitor of DYRK2 which showed efficacy in targeting multiple myeloma and triple-negative breast cancer in vivo. In March 2020 he moved to Dundee where he started as a principal investigator and a Ninewells Cancer Campaign Fellow focussing on role of novel kinases in Glioblastoma multiforme.


Glioblastoma multiforme of Stage IV glioma has very poor 5 year survival with very limited prognosis. My current research interest is focussed on the role of extracellular post-translational modifications in regulating Glioblastoma multiforme progression. Multiple extracellular substrates like growth factors, interleukins and cytokines are highly overexpressed and phosphorylated during the progression of glioma malignancy. My laboratory will focus on elucidating the oncogenic role(s) of those extracellular phosphorylations and identify novel predictive and prognostic biomarkers for glioblastoma.

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