Thuy Anh Thu (Wendy) Do

Alumni Ambassador

Thuy Anh Thu Do (Wendy)
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(+44) 01382 381184


Wendy is from Vietnam and currently based in the UK. Wendy completed MSc in International Business in 2010 at the School of Business.  

About Wendy

I love cooking, travelling, and I am also passionate about food and making a lot of friends. 

Reason for becoming an Alumni Ambassador 

University of Dundee feels like my second home where I had great moments studying and making friends. People in Dundee are so friendly and warm, and they don’t make you feel lonely even if you are far away from your family. However, not many Vietnamese chose Scotland as it is far and cold. I just want to share and let them know Scotland, especially Dundee, is not what they think. I want them to believe me in that, Dundee will be their best choice.