Dr Vicky Lambert


Business Office, School of Business

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+44 (0)1382 384769


I joined the University of Dundee in September 2010. Prior to this I completed my PhD on charity governance at the University of Edinburgh. I have also held research posts at the University of Edinburgh and Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh.

My research interests are in the area of accounting and governance in charitable organisations. My current research focuses on the relationship between charities and their funders, with a specific focus on outcome measurement, and also beneficiary participation in charity governance.

My teaching interests are in the areas of management accounting, corporate governance, public sector accounting, and financial reporting theory.




  • Principals Teaching Award Scheme, The University of Edinburgh, £10,000: ‘Working together: a multi-method study into students’ experiences of group-based learning in a business school’ (with A. Brown, M. Ho & W. Loretto), June 2010.
  • San-Ei Gen, Gen Foundation £3000: Funding obtained to develop research on charity governance
  • IPSAR Doctoral Scholarship ‘An Investigation of Governance in Scottish Charities’.

Areas of expertise

  • Accounting & governance in charitable organisations


Current Teaching:

  • Corporate Governance (Level 5) (Module Leader)
  • Research Methods (Level 5)
  • Accounting & Accountability in the Public Sector (Level 4) (Module Leader)
  • Business Project in Accounting & Finance (Level 4) (Module Leader)
  • Accountancy Dissertation (Level 4) (Module Leader)
  • Financial Reporting Theory (Level 3) (Module Leader)
  • Advanced Management Accounting (Level 3)

Past Teaching:

  • Introductory Management Accounting (Level 5)
  • Intermediate Management Accounting (Level 2)
  • Introductory Management Accounting (Level 1)

PhD Projects

Principal supervisor