Wilson Xu

Alumni Ambassador

Wilson Xu
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(+44) 01382 381184


Wilson is from the United Kingdom and studied MA Economics and International Relations in our School of Business, graduating in 2022.

About Wilson

I enjoy helping people when I can, playing volleyball and badminton, and drinking all kinds of tea! I am currently undertaking a postgraduate at the University of Glasgow studying an MSc Economic Development – I have a passionate interest in the Indo-Pacific region. 

Reason for becoming an Alumni Ambassador

From letting me study abroad in Hong Kong and Australia despite, volatility and the beginning of Covid-19, to providing me with exceptionally motivated and inspiring lecturers, the University of Dundee fundamentally changed me for the better, and becoming an Alumni Ambassador is one way to demonstrate my gratitude. 

If you want to get in touch with Wilson to hear his experience or ask questions, then please do email the Alumni Relations Team at alumni@dundee.ac.uk

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