Research governance and policy help and guidance

Where to find help and advice on governance and policy requirements for research projects.

On this page

Research projects

For further advice on non-clinical/non-clinically related research projects please contact the Convener of the University's Research Ethics Committee Dr Beth Hannah and for clinical/clinically related projects contact the Senior Research Governance Manager, Tayside Medical Science Centre (TASC) Tricia Burns.

Research governance and policy

The senior member of staff with responsibility for overseeing research integrity is Professor Inke Nathke, Convener of the Research Governance & Policy Sub-Committee. 

Further information on the activities of the University’s Research Governance & Policy Sub-Committee can be obtained from Dr Clive Randall, Research Policy Manager.

Equality and diversity

Researchers are expected to meet the expectations of funders in relation to equality and diversity including UKRI's expectations for Equality and Diversity for those in receipt of Research Council funding.

For advice on the University’s Equality Diversity and Inclusion policies, please go to the Equality Diversity and Inclusion section on the People website.