
The Scottish four year degree

Published on 17 January 2024

A typical undergraduate degree in Scotland takes four years, because it offers you much greater breadth and flexibility than most degree courses in the rest of the UK.

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Honours degrees at most Scottish universities usually take four years of study to complete. This is different from universities in the rest of the UK (England, Wales, and Northern Ireland). There, an undergraduate degree only lasts three years.  

You might be wondering why Scottish degrees last for four years.  This is because they are designed to give you a more well-rounded education. They also offer the flexibility to explore and discover your own interests. 

The Scottish four-year undergraduate degree model is so successful that it has been replicated in the US, Canada, and China. More recently, it has also been adopted in Hong Kong.

Advantages of a four year degree

Broad and flexible study

The extra year of study in Scotland gives you a broader education in your first two years. You have the opportunity to try new subjects outside of your named degree, or ‘major’. This is the biggest difference between our degrees and the rest of the UK. 

If you’re not completely sure what you want to study, or if you end up preferring a different subject altogether, this system makes it easy to change direction. You won't need to repeat years.

Because you don’t need to completely narrow down your subject choice until the final two years, you can also experiment with different modules and subject combinations. 

For example, if you apply to study an English MA degree, you might be able to take modules in Philosophy and Geography alongside the core English modules in your first two years. You can then specialise in English in the final two, ‘honours’ years. 

If there’s a subject that sounds interesting but you haven’t studied it at school before, this is a great opportunity to try it without fully committing.  You never know, it might end up being your new specialism! 

“University is your chance to explore the subjects you find truly inspiring in a dynamic way. This is your chance to test different modules, to learn from experts in different fields and explore your passions, tailored to your career paths.”

Lizzie Bertelsen, MA English & Creative Writing, 2021

Despite its name, the Scottish MA (Master of Arts) is still equivalent to the BA in other countries, even though it takes a year longer.

Most science degrees in Scotland are BSc degrees even though they take four years.

Science subjects tend to have slightly more core requirements. However, you can still benefit from some flexibility. In Life Sciences, for example, you might begin your studies in either the Biomedical or Biological stream. You can then choose to specialise later. This is after you’ve taken different modules, learned more about unfamiliar topic areas, and decided where your real interests lie.


Employers worldwide think highly of a four year Scottish degree and welcome the breadth of study and wider skill set you’ll gain. They will appreciate your ability to make connections between different fields of study.

As well as typical academic modules, you’ll also get the chance to pick up some skills and career-based modules, or even learn a language. These options will help you to stand a step ahead of other candidates when you enter the job market.

Some students feel that a four year degree helps you to adjust to university life. Because you have two years before the more intense years of honours study, you can throw yourself into clubs, sports, and societies. Employers really value the skills you gain from these extra-curricular activities.

You can also get to grips with living away from home for the first time without being under too much academic pressure from the start. 


If you’re coming to Scotland from England, Wales, or Northern Ireland, we offer scholarships to help offset the cost of the fourth year of study. 

Scholarships for students from England, Wales, and Northern Ireland

We also have a wide range of scholarships for students from across the globe:

Scholarships for international students

Undergraduate courses at the University of Dundee

Interested in finding out more about the degrees we offer here at Dundee?

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