
Gene's story

Published on 3 July 2020

Gene is from Singapore and discovered Dundee when she flew to Scotland for her brother’s graduation. She fell in love with the city and she describes why it is one of the best choices she has ever made.

On this page

I'm from Singapore, and I'm a final year student at the University of Dundee. I'm studying Geography and Environmental Science and I absolutely love it.


I was offered different modules so I chose geography, environmental science and sustainability. It’s great to get a taste of all areas and I like the options.

The lecturers are really helpful. They are amazing. All of the Geography lecturers have an open door policy so you can just knock on the door and go in to ask questions.

“Dundee is really welcoming in general. I really like the city”

Gene Lim, Geography and Environmental Science student

Student life in Dundee

I like that there is a very broad range of societies. I joined the University of Dundee Singapore society and the Geography and Environmental Science Society. The Singapore society is like a culture group. It’s like a family of Singaporeans in Dundee.

Things to do

The University is in the middle of the city and Dundee has lots of things to do. When I’m not studying, I just like just walking around the city. I sometimes cycle along by the River Tay and people are really friendly if they run pass you, or, are fishing. The V&A museum building is lovely. And, not far from there you can go wakeboarding in the city quay.

Story category Student experience