
Honouring the legacy of David Smith

Published on 10 June 2024

In the world of civil engineering, David Smith is remembered for his innovations and his deep integrity.

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David's journey from a practising civil engineer to an esteemed lecturer is testament to his passion for both the practical and academic aspects of the field. Now, his legacy is honoured through the David Smith Award and Memorial Seminar. From his early days at Sir Bruce White Woolf Barry & Partners, David Smith's career was distinguished by a series of significant contributions to the field of civil engineering. Initially working in India to hone his skills, his tenure at Mott Hay & Anderson proved to be the defining chapter in his career. Here, he spearheaded the design of the new London Bridge and the main towers of the Forth Road Bridge near Edinburgh. His innovative approach has influenced the design of suspension bridges ever since.

Subsequently David discovered a passion for teaching and research, and his transition to academia proved to be a pivotal moment. In the years that followed, he was revered for his integrity, modesty, and dedication to nurturing the next generation of engineers. At the University of Dundee, he quickly endeared himself to students and colleagues alike, imparting not only technical knowledge but also invaluable wisdom and guidance. 

The establishment of the David Smith Award reflects David's commitment to fostering excellence and broadening horizons in engineering education. The award, available to postgraduate research students within the School of Science & Engineering, aims to provide opportunities for international experiences through participation in specialised summer schools, collaboration with research groups abroad, or engagement in practical applications of research. 

The David Smith Memorial Seminar, delivered by award recipients when they return, is a tribute to David’s legacy. This annual event serves as a platform for award recipients to share insights into their experiences and advancements in their field as well as to inspire other students to apply for the award. It offers a personal and professional development opportunity, enabling the presenter to engage with academics, peers, and external stakeholders.

Black and white portrait of David Smith
“David was a quiet man with a warmth of character; a deep thinker, reflective and insightful. Married with four children, he was both widely and well-read, a church-goer, and a regular walker. He was an exceptional letter-writer, and on a Sunday afternoon, after lunch, he could be found in his armchair listening to classical music on the record player, and later in the evening writing letters to each of his four children once they’d left home and moved away.”

Jenny Howell, David Smith’s younger daughter

Previous winners have spent intensive weeks in places such as CERN in Switzerland, and the University of Milano-Bicocca in Milan. The 2024 winner of the award, Amin Din, travelled to Switzerland to gain insight and conduct research at the European organisation for nuclear research – CERN. Prior to travelling to CERN, Amin said, “This visit will give me the opportunity to understand the problem in more detail, collect more data and expand the knowledge on this subject. This award not only has the ability to enhance my thesis content but also opens up new career prospects for me.”

The David Smith Award and Memorial Seminar are supported through donations to an endowed fund from those who were inspired by David, and by engineers around the world who recognise the huge impact he had on their field. David Smith's legacy will continue to empower future generations of engineers to reach new heights, both in their academic pursuits and in their contributions to society at large.

If you would like to make a gift to support the David Smith Award and Memorial Seminar, please email development@dundee.ac.uk

Story category The Bridge Magazine