Student blog post

10 reasons to study abroad

Harry explains why you should go abroad

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Bonjour! Ola! Ciao!

This week the university hosted its annual study aboard fair for all you wannabe jet-setters! I went along to represent my host university (Leiden) and begged our Erasmus Institutional Co-Ordinator (Pamela Brown) to let me go back (a resounding no but worth a shot).

Feeling rather nostalgic I decided to share some of my experiences of studying abroad and ten reasons why you should apply before the deadline.

Five people sat and stood on a wooden structure. Two people at the back hold the Scottish flag up while three other people sit in front of it
  1. We have some amazing universities to choose from

    When it comes to partnerships, the University of Dundee has some impressive links! For example, Leiden Law School is ranked the top law school in the Netherlands and 24th in the world. So you can tell all your friends that you’re really really smart…

  2. It will look really good on your CV

    Apparently, people who go on exchange are 99% more likely to get a job. Ok… that’s a made-up figure… but studying abroad does look really good on your CV and will help you stand out from the crowd!

A group dinner. A sunny scene with a large number of people around a table with drinks and plates. One person has an acoustic guitar
  1. You can learn a new language

    Ever been in a queue and the people behind you are talking and laughing in another language and you wonder if they’re talking about you? Well, you can find out! Study abroad and learn a new language to find out what people are saying about you behind you’re back 🙂

The back of a man as he walks down a tree-lined boulevard. The scene is bright and sunny
  1. You will make friends from all over the world

    One of the best parts of studying abroad is the people you meet. There are very few opportunities in life where you have the opportunity to make friends for life from all over the world. In the long run, this will save you a fortune on Airbnbs.

  2. Immerse in the culture

    Gah yeah? More like study abroad yeah. Spending time abroad will give you the opportunity to embrace culture and experience new things. For example, I visited the Banksy Museum in Amsterdam and now all my friends think I’m #edgy.

Five people sat on giant sculptures of the letters lowercase d and a
  1. You will get the opportunity to travel

    Weekends away are an inevitability of studying abroad. Hopping on and off a plane and getting to visit a new city every few weeks is really exciting and one of the best parts of studying abroad. *Warning you might catch the travel bug*

A light brown two storey building. Two trees appear on the left hand side of the image. The words Law School is on the image. This appears to have been taken from social media
  1. Think of the tan

    If you think your tan looks good after two weeks in Vale De Lobo with your mates think what a year of sun, sea and sand will do for your looks. Disclaimer: probably don’t choose the Netherlands if this is your main motivation, the climate is pretty similar to the UK…

  1. We have Pamela Brown

    Just because you’re studying abroad at a host university doesn’t mean Dundee has forgotten you! Our Erasmus Coordinator, Pamela Brown, provides fantastic support to all outgoing students to help you stay organised and provides a shoulder to cry on if you’re ever feeling a little homesick (which I doubt you will).

  1. You'll get a tonne of Instagram likes

    Think you're instafamous now? Wait until you upload a selfie standing next to the Eiffel Tower with a bottle of champagne while all your mates are at their 9 am obligations lecture lol

  1. It will change you

    Quite simply, studying abroad is a life-changing experience which will shape you and your future and I can’t recommend it highly enough.

Best of luck!


Go abroad

Our Go Abroad team can help you study abroad for a semester or year if you are an undergraduate student. You can experience a new culture, improve your language skills, build your confidence and make lifelong friends.

Harry Martin

Law student, graduated in 2017

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Student voice category Travel, Europe