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Dental electives: everything you need to know

Ayush shares his experience on making the most of your dental elective.

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Your dental elective is more than just a requirement – it’s an opportunity to expand your horizons and gain unique experiences that will shape your future career. Whether you’re dreaming of working in a fast-paced urban clinic, diving into cutting-edge research, or providing much-needed care in underserved communities, it’s a chance to step out of the classroom and into the real world of dentistry.

When I first started planning my own elective, I was excited but also lost. With so many options and only four weeks to fit everything in, I knew I had to make some tough decisions. I’ve learned a lot along the way, that’s why I’ve put together this guide - to share practical tips and insights that can help you make the most of your experience. 

Dental electives provide a student with the freedom to explore different specialties of dentistry, gain knowledge from various settings, and enhance their education outside the standard curriculum. At the University of Dundee, this period lasts four weeks and can be completed locally, nationally, or internationally. For me, the elective was a chance to explore different aspects of dentistry that I wouldn’t typically encounter in the UK. Along with this it was a fantastic time to travel the world with some of my closest friends. 

Deciding where to go for your elective 

Dental electives are self-led, giving you the freedom to travel to any location. However, the location chosen can significantly impact your learning experience. So, before you decide, it’s important to think about what you want to achieve. 

I decided to split my time between two locations to get the most out of the experience. I spent two weeks in India, followed by another two weeks in the Philippines. This combination gave me the chance to explore and compare dental practices in two different countries, alongside what I’d learned in the UK. I also wanted to make the most of my travels, so I added a week in Singapore to explore and relax in-between the busy dental weeks. 

Deciding what kind of dentistry to pursue

Students have the freedom to decide what type of dentistry they wish to pursue in their elective. Each student’s pathway will be different, influenced by their career goals and aspirations. I found it useful to consider these factors:

  1. Legislation: Each country has requirements for who can practice dentistry within its borders. Some countries allow dental students to work under supervision, while others require a BDS degree to practice on patients.
  2. Personal goals: If you are considering postgraduate studies, this is a great time to shadow specialists and gain insight into different dental fields.
  3. Language barrier: Ensure you can communicate effectively with patients. While a language barrier can be a challenge, it can also be an opportunity to improve your communication skills.

I wanted to build on what I have already learned in dental school. Working in India and the Philippines meant that I was in a distinct environment while allowing me to expand and develop similar skills as dental school. India allowed me to delve deeper into composite restoration techniques and work with specialists to refine my knowledge of root canal treatments. In the Philippines, I volunteered at the public sector to provide emergency treatments in rural areas of the country. I found that the variety of experiences kept me fully engaged, each day offering new challenges and opportunities for growth.

An opportunity to travel with your closest friends

In my opinion, the people you choose to share your dental elective with can make the biggest difference in how your experience turns out.  Your elective isn’t just about work - it’s also a perfect opportunity to bond with your colleagues and have some adventures together. 

I chose some of my closest friends, not only because we got along but because our expectations and preferences for our elective experience were similar. By keeping everyone’s interests in focus, we managed to find an elective company that met all our needs and made the experience even more memorable.

A dental elective is a truly invaluable experience, offering both professional and personal growth. It’s a chance to work with friends, explore new cultures, and create memories that will stay with you for a lifetime. The stories and experiences from your elective will likely become some of the highlights of your university years. 

Find out more about studying dentistry at the University of Dundee.

Ayush Laddha

Dental student at Dundee.

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