Student blog post

How to prep yourself for the upcoming school year

Student Jacquelyn shares some useful tips to prepare for the academic year.

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As the summer is beginning to wind down and the upcoming semester is quickly approaching, there are some things to consider to try and make your semester as successful as possible.

Once timetables are released, I suggest purchasing an agenda to keep track of all your due dates, readings, seminars, and daily to-do’s. Or opt in for using an online platform such as google or apple calendar to keep track and balance your time management.

Planning a study schedule is key to keeping up to date on course work and on track in the semester. Through your previous year, you may have realized that some study tactics work better for you than others. Try not to “overestimate” the things you want to accomplish and make realistic goals for yourself. Often, it is easy to make a lengthy list of tasks we need to complete and underestimate the time that it requires to complete such tasks. Although you may think that if you knock off fewer tasks from your to-do list then you are behind, remember that completing the task thoroughly and effectively is more important than completing the task quickly.

Additionally, if you live on your own, I would start experimenting with new recipes, especially ones that are nutritious and easy to produce under a time crunch to best prepare you for busy weeks and assessment periods. Personally, there is nothing I dread more than planning what to make for dinner when I am tired, busy or it’s the end of the week and I need to go to the shops. Having a list of recipes that require minimal ingredients, preparation time and money is a must to save time throughout the semester.

Finally, remember to set appropriate standards for yourself this semester. Don’t be afraid to make goals for yourself, remember to set your ambitions high and keep assessing your progress throughout the school year. Wish you would have not left your assessments till the last minute last semester? Set a goal for yourself to look at the assessment the day it is assigned, and start a game plan of how you are going to tackle it. Want to improve your sleep schedule and get more than 5 hours of sleep a night during the school week? Try and assemble a daily timetable with the scheduled wind-down periods to help achieve this goal. Not all goals have to be intimidating, especially if you set your intentions and plan accordingly.

I wish you the best of luck this upcoming semester and remember to take full advantage of this last month of summer!

Photo by Marten Bjork on Unsplash

Jacquelyn Hovey

Jacquelyn is from Canada and studying the accelerated LLB.

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