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Local walking paths for an easy adventure

Student Julia explores some of the walking paths in Dundee and the surrounding countryside.

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Some days you may just need some fresh air, or some time to clear your head with a bit of light exercise and fun. Within your reach, there plenty small paths to get walking on for a wee day out or even just a few hours for a break within the university daily life.

  1. The obvious – LAW HILL. Walking up Law hill is basically a right of passage when coming to Dundee. If you haven’t done so already, then this should be top of the list. By walking up past Abertay Residence and through Dudhope Park you’ll find some very steep steps taking you up to the hill. I recommend walking at sunset or even on a clear night when you can see the stars.
  2. Arbroath Cliffs – just a short 20-minute train journey and a walk through the town you can get yourself to the coast to see some lovely red sandstone cliffs. There is a lot of erosion and makes the scenery admirable. There are caution signs for a reason, so don’t stand to close to the edges. It is beautiful on a bright, sunny day; but wouldn’t recommend when it overly windy. It can also be an interesting walk in the rain or light gales as you can look out on to the water. PS: you can make the walk longer by extending north to the Seaton Cliffs.
  3. Tentsmuir Forest – By walking across the bridge and into Tayport you get to experience a country-side kind of walk, often with cows behind the fences. Tayport is also a nice stop for a break. Get a coffee or sit in the park. You can extend the walk through the woods of Tentsmuir, or walk along the beach to look back at Dundee and Broughty Ferry. It will take about 2 hours to walk there. You could also cycle by hiring a bike or catch a bus back.
  4. Forfar Loch Circuit – With a quick bus to Forfar Country Park, an hour walk or so around the loch can be pretty peaceful. Bring a book with you and sit on a bench for 20 minutes or watch the ducks, swans or even geese swim around. It is a good way of getting your mind off of things. There are also displays of the history and wildlife of the park if you are interested. There is also a picnic area if you want to take some lunch with friends.
  5. Kinfauns Hill Tower or Woodland Park – If you have ever driven up to Dundee over the Friarton bridge you will have seen a tower ruin on top of a hill. Get yourself to Kinfaus and start the walk from there. You could get a good view of the river Tay and the hills beyond, and can watch the moving traffic below.
  6. St Andrews – You could travel to St Andrews and have a walk on the beaches. This could be the wet sands beach or make your way through the town to St Andrews castle. Past there, you can visit the Cathedral or make your way to the end of the pier and the east sands beach. I have been on a cold and windy day and I still enjoyed it! I had a Titanic moment at the end of the pier and warmed back up in a nice coffee shop afterwards.
Pier looking towards town of St Andrews with ruined cathedral

Plenty others- there are also plenty walks including all the parks in Dundee which I quite like.

  • When I lived in West Park Flats in my first year, I always enjoyed the walk up to Victoria Park and Balgay Park. I would highly recommend it.
blue bridge spanning gorge between trees
  • Camperdown Park – I used to do the park run on Saturdays, which is a 5km run (OR WALK) through the park. It is fully organised and free. It is for all abilities and no one should feel pressured. I even ran in the snow last year! 
  • Walk to Broughty Ferry – you can walk from Dundee to Broughty Ferry along the coast too.Glamis Castle and walk – I have heard this can be a nice stroll as well.
  • You can go further a field into Glen Clova for some nice walks too

If you ever need a break and some fresh air to clear your mind during busy or stressful periods it can be really good for your health to get out into nature. Hopefully these are just a few options to get you going!

Julia Craig

Studying Civil Engineering at the University of Dundee.

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Student voice category Travel, Scotland, Dundee, Things to do