Talent and Development Terms and Conditions

Please read our Terms and Conditions before placing any bookings.

On this page


Workshops are available free of charge to staff and postgraduate researchers from the University of Dundee. Booking a workshop is perceived as your agreement to attend that workshop in its entirety. If you find you are unable to attend the workshop, it is expected that you will cancel your booking at the earliest possible time (giving a minimum of 3 working days unless exceptional circumstances occur).

Where requested, Talent and Development may share confirmation of your attendance or non-attendance with your line manager or supervisor.


After you book a workshop you will receive an automatically generated email to confirm your booking and its status (booked/waiting list). You will then be able to view all of your bookings, previously attended sessions, and give feedback or cancel bookings through your account.

You will be reminded of your bookings via automated email, one week before the workshop.

Should a workshop be fully booked, you will be offered a place on the waiting list; if you choose to accept this place on the waiting list, you will be notified should a place become available. Please note that in order to accept an offer, you must log into your account to do so. The email offer does not constitute a place on the workshop.

The numbers booked onto a workshop are the maximum that can be accommodated by the facilitator. Please do not attend the workshop if you are on a waiting list. However, we do welcome inquiries from individuals willing to attend workshops at short notice.

If a workshop is fully booked, we recommend that you keep your name on the waiting list as these lists are often used to determine if additional sessions are available, and those on the waiting lists will be offered priority on any newly scheduled workshops.

It is important that you arrive promptly for the start of your workshop. Late arrival to workshops is disruptive to the workshop itself, and to other participants. We advise that participants arrive 10 minutes before the start time of IT workshops, and a minimum of 5 minutes before the start time of all other workshops. If you arrive late for a workshop, it is at the facilitator’s discretion as to whether you are permitted to stay or not.

If you are unable to attend a workshop in its entirety (i.e. late arrival, early departure, a period of absence during the workshop), you must have spoken to the Talent and Development Events Co-ordinator (email staffdevelopment@dundee.ac.uk) at least 10 days in advance of the workshop to request approval to attend in part. Please note that this is granted only in exceptional circumstances.

Bookings are granted on the basis that you:

  1. Agree to attend (see ethos);
  2. Agree to complete feedback (see feedback);
  3. Have sought permission from your line manager/supervisor to attend.

Note that Talent and Development team takes no responsibility for situations arising should you not have requested this permission beforehand.

Photo permission

As per terms and conditions Talent and Development may record audio, video or photographs at our events. When we do so, we will ensure that it is clear that we are doing so and give you the opportunity to withdraw your consent to the use of your image or audio.


Should you need to cancel a booking, please do so through your Talent and Development account no less than 3 working days before the workshop. 

Cancellation requests made less than 3 working days before a workshop is due to take place can only be made by contacting the Talent and Development team. Such cancellations will only be accepted in exceptional circumstances and must be accompanied by an email from your supervisor/line manager supporting the reason for the late cancellation. We require this confirmation as, at such short notice, places cannot be offered to those on waiting lists, and, as such, the place is wasted (at significant cost).

If a workshop is reliant upon the prior submission of work, you will be reminded of this in advance of the workshop. Failure to submit work by the deadline indicated may result in you being unable to attend the workshop.

Attendance register

It is a requirement that workshop participants sign the attendance register.

We regret that if you do not complete the register during the workshop your attendance status will be set to ‘not-attended’ and we will be unable to amend our records at a later date.

If you require a list of your training history with the Talent and Development team, you can view and print this from your Talent and Development account.

Your name and work email address are what will be requested for the register: please see our for details on how we use your data and the purpose of this request

Non-attendance without cancellation

Persistent non-attendance (3 unexplained occurrences) will lead to individuals being automatically blocked from the booking system pending further investigation.

Alteration to workshops from advertised

Please note that workshop venues sometimes change from those originally advertised. If a venue is changed you will receive notification of this, and the new venue, via email. If you are unsure of a venue location, please contact Talent and Development team or visit our website.

Occasionally, and due to reasons beyond our control, workshops may be postponed. In this event give participants as much notice as possible. 

If workshop numbers are too low for it to be feasible to run, we will endeavour to give participants as much notice as possible.


The final step in your event attendance is an evaluation.

Following the workshop, you will receive an email to your provided email address/ that email on our booking system asking you to complete an online feedback form. This feedback is essential to enable us to tailor future workshops to your needs and to document and respond to requests for additional training. 

Agreement to complete feedback is part of the Terms & Conditions for placing a booking. 

To understand more about how your information will be used and shared to generate this evaluation, please read our or email staffdevelopment@dundee.ac.uk


With regards to postgraduate researchers, information regarding your attendance at Talent and Development workshops may be shared with your PhD supervisor.

We strongly recommend that you check your workshop requirements to ensure that you attend mandatory sessions.

To enable a productive working environment, we would advise that you make your supervisor aware of your decision to attend a workshop at the time of your booking. Should this present difficulties for you, please feel free to talk to your Thesis Monitoring Committee, Postgraduate Course Convener, or a member of the Talent and Development team.