Michael Cordiner

Art & Humanities MFA

"Hexing..." is a project inspired by learning new skills and art history utilising mixed media to explore nature, culture and the opposition between the 2.



Nature is hexed by culture. Culture is hexed by nature.

This mixed media installation undertakes exploring the sense of hexing as a way of overcoming the nature culture opposition, through the exploration of art medias. Using modern art methods to historical styles and utilising hexagons to create an environment that explores this expanse of resistance, to craft alternative forms of intimacy and intangibility.

Using video and audio to accompany stained glass, creating a corporeal-like experience drawing attention to details and the environment built. With the aim to entrance the viewer and explore the layering of nature and man. Taking inspiration from; movies, books, culture and nature to express art medias and change. In this journey, I have documented my thoughts, knowledge and development to gilding the beauty of nature and figures. Using research that spreads through the ages and across the planet to inform my approaches to the steps taken in creating my work.

My work is presented in this book through images, research, options and my final work, presented as an installation. Using video, audio, ceramics, cement, water, glass, metal and wood. I hope that the work captures my inspirations and thoughts, while also illuminating the beauty of different techniques and environment building in the artwork and nature.

floral stain glass panel in hexagonal frame
floral stain glass panel with dark blue ad light yellow background in hexagonal frame
floral stain glass panel in hexagonal frame with protection of pattern on top

Support this graduate

If you want to buy anything please contact me through my Instagram or email michaelcordinerart@gmail.com

Link to the video and audio found in the google drive file link.
