Mickey Koehler

Art & Humanities MFA

My work focuses on usage of manifestation, ritualistic practices, and the blending of transcendentalism and transhumanism of human reality


The art draws inspiration from my Mexican American heritage, Roman Catholic upbringing, and Historical pre-Christian practices. Contemporary inspiration comes from artists such as Hilma auf Klint, Emma Kunz, Ana Mendieta, and Judy Chicago. This inspired me to investigate the ‘greys’ of human reality within my work. More specifically, the transition space between events or the ‘in-between’. Examples being the in-between and blending of transcendentalism and transhumanism within the world, the in between and blending of art forms such as prints and comics in an artistic space, and the in betweenness of human life, perspective, and morality for reality is not all black and white. We exist in a magical area of greys. I wanted my art to acquire this human tool of manifestation and how we strive to see a world in which many do not understand or believe is real due to several factors including the act of colonisation that had caused many old practises to be lost. Additionally, I want to show how even modern tools and elements we use every day such flowers, water, and drums, along with the senses such as touch, smell, sight, and sound, still connect us to the past and this magical place in between the spiritual and human reality. I want my work to inspire others to open their minds to this in-between space of thinking.

2 naked lady ritual dance
naked lady print in forest background

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