Education at the Botanic Garden

The Botanic Garden is a superb resource for teaching and learning at all levels from nursery to post-school levels and beyond.

On this page

Educational resources for schools

We can offer a broad programme for schools, from nursery age up to Higher level. These are linked to the Curriculum for Excellence. We are also happy to work with teachers to devise new tailor-made activities for their pupil's needs.

Find out more by contacting our Education lead, Dr Elizabeth Lakin

School children at an event at the Botanic Gardens

While our focus is on plant-related activities, the Botanic Garden is a suitable resource for a wide range of subjects. We can support subjects such as general biology, geography, history, environmental science and art and design.

Training sessions for teachers

We run training sessions for teachers. These can be tailor-made to meet the needs of groups or individual teachers. Find out more by contacting our Education lead, Dr Elizabeth Lakin


Honours year and PhD students carry out research in the garden as part of their course work. The Curator, Kevin Frediani, and Education Officer, Dr Elizabeth Lakin, can advise on the current programmes.


image of water and desert

Research project

The Strategic Dialogue on Sustainable Raw Materials for Europe (STRADE) addresses the long-term security and sustainability of the European raw-material supply from European and non-European countries

Research project

School of Business academics Carlo Morelli and Ruth Bickerton are investigating the impact of funeral costs, while a new charity (Funeral Link) has been set up in the city to help families cope in the aftermath of a bereavement

a busy street with people shopping and people on bikes
View Youth Transitions in Protected Crisis

Research project

Funded by DFID, Youth Transitions in Protracted Crisis focuses on young people who are refugees and highlights the challenges and strategies youth employ to create adult lives in difficult environments. The research took place in urban and camp settlements in Uganda and Jordan working with various refugee groups aged 10 -24.

a group of people smiling in front of a helictopter
View Tropical forest dynamics in logged, restored and conserved forests in SE Asia

Research project

A programme of work, led by Prof. Mark Cutler, that builds on research started over 20 years ago in logged forests around Danum Valley in Sabah, Malaysia. This includes analysis of the impacts of the 2015 El Niño on leaf reflectance and traits, and the effectiveness of restoration measures on carbon accumulation in forests after logging.