
Accessibility statements for third party systems

Updated on 2 April 2024

Find advice on using our websites and systems, plus instructions on overcoming known accessibility issues

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The University of Dundee is committed to making our systems accessible for everyone. Our accessibility statement summarises where we are and where we plan to get to with our website.

The University uses many third-party tools and software packages to provide services to our staff and students. We have brought together the equivalent statements our suppliers here. Some of them are more detailed than others, and some are only available as a PDF. 

We are working with our suppliers to improve the detail available to staff and students, along with removing the need to use PDFs where possible. Our goal is also for all suppliers to host this information on their own websites to enable it to be as up to date as possible at the time of viewing.

The brand names of some products may not match the name frequently used at the University of Dundee. We have listed alternative names where this applies.


  • Supplier: Ex Libiris (a ProQuest company)
  • Library Services Platform - back office tools for Library staff including library catalogue and membership management.

View accessibility statement for Alma (checked 17 May 2021)

Altmetric for Institutions

  • Supplier: Altmetric
  • Monitor and report on your own research papers

View accessibility statement for Altmetric (checked 6 July 2022)

Apps Anywhere

  • Supplier: Software2 (S2)
  • A web-based interface for software delivery and virtualisation platform

View accessibility statement for Apps Anywhere (PDF) (checked 29 April 2021)

Aspire - Training and Development

  • Also known as University of Dundee e‐Training Website
  • Supplier: Aspire Business Software Ltd
  • The e-Training Website facilities the provision of training and development courses to the staff and some students of the University of Dundee

View accessibility statement for Aspire - Training and Development (PDF) (checked 10 August 2021)


  • Supplier: Autodesk
  • Computer Aided Design software for architecture, engineering, and other drawings.

View accessibility statement for AutoCad (checked 12 June 2021)

Blackboard Learn

  • Also known as: My Dundee
  • Supplier: Blackboard
  • Central Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) platform for most courses.

View accessibility statement for Blackboard Learn (checked 1 April 2021)

Blackboard Collaborate

  • Supplier: Blackboard
  • Video conferencing and virtual classroom tools

View accessibility statement for Blackboard Collaborate (checked 1 April 2021)

Blackboard SafeAssign 

  • Supplier: Blackboard
  • Plagiarism checker 

View accessibility guidance for Blackboard SafeAssign (checked 6 July 2021)

Campus M

  • Also known as: UoD app / Library app
  • Supplier: ExLibris
  • iOS and Android app for students, including many library and general student features.

View accessibility statement for Campus M (checked 21 June 2021)


  • Also known as Learning Spaces
  • Supplier: CampusPress
  • WordPress based blog platform for learning and teaching supported by CTIL
    • this is separate from blogs hosted by External Relations Web Services on sites.dundee and blog.dundee domains

View accessibility statement for Alma (checked 21 June 2021)

Cite Them Right

  • Supplier: Bloomsbury
  • Citations and referencing 

View accessibility statement for Cite Them Right (checked 06 July 2021)

Discovery Research Portal

  • Supplier: Elsevier 
  • Pure software

View accessibility statement for Discovery Research Portal (checked 14 September 2022)


  • Supplier Digital Curation Centre, University of Edinburgh
  • Data Management Plan (DMP) software tool. Helps you to create, review, and share data management plans that meet institutional and funder requirements.
  • View accessibility statement for DMPonline

ECC Online

  • Supplier: Educational Competencies Consortium (ECC)
  • Maintained by: DCSL GuideSmiths
  • Web based software

View accessibility statement for ECC (PDF) (checked July 2021)

Election Management

  • Supplier: MSL
  • Voting software for elections open to students/staff such as DUSA Executive, School President, University Court.

View accessibility statement for Election Management (PDF) (checked 06 July 2021)


  • Supplier: Intelligent Assessment Technologies
  • Online exam platform

View accessibility statement for ExamOnline (checked 25 March 2022)


  • Supplier: FutureLearn
  • Web platform for MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) open to the general public.

View accessibility statement for FutureLearn (checked 12 April 2021)

Invisible Systems Ltd

  • Supplier: Realtime Invisible System
  • Internet of Things (IoT) wireless sensors to provide insight operating systems, energy consumptions and potential wastage
  • Collates all data into intuitive, personalised dashboards

View accessibility statement for Invisible Systems Ltd (PDF) (checked 16 June 2021)

IRUS (Institutional Repository Usage Statistics)

  • Supplier: Jisc
  • Statistics based service

View accessibility statement for IRUS (checked 11 September 2020)

Jamf Pro

View accessibility statement for Jamf Pro (PDF)

Jamf Pro Self Service

View accessibility statement for Jamf Pro Self Service (PDF)


  • Online learning platform for staff development 

View accessibility statement for LearnUpon (checked 31 March 2021)

Leganto - Reading and Resource Lists

  • Also known as: Reading Lists / Resource Lists
  • Supplier: Ex Libris (a ProQuest Company)
  • Web based catalogue for module reading lists with integration to Library

View accessibility statement for Leganto (checked July 2021)

LibCal Seats

  • Also known as: Study desk booking
  • Supplier: Springshare
  • Seat booking system for Main Library and other locations introduced during Covid-19 pandemic

View accessibility statement for LibCal Seats (checked 4 May 2021)


  • Supplier: Adobe
  • Marketing automation platform

View accessibility statement for Marketo (checked 4 May 2021)

Microsoft Accessibility Conformance Reports

View Microsoft Accessibility Conformance Reports

Möbius Assessment

  • Supplier: DigitalEd
  • Online assessment for STEM courses

View accessibility statement for Möbius Assessment (checked 21 June 2021)

Multi Factor Authentication

View accessibility statement for Multi Factor Authentication (DOCX)

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID)

  • Supplier: ORCID
  • ORCID strives to enable transparent and trustworthy connections between researchers, their contributions, and their affiliations by providing a unique, persistent identifier for individuals to use as they engage in research, scholarship, and innovation activities.

View accessibility statement for ORCID

One University (Finance)

  • Supplier: TechnologyOne

View accessibility statement for Technology One (PDF) (checked 29 April 2021)


  • Supplier: Panopto Inc
  • Using Panopto, anyone can create and share professional on-demand videos securely: general recording, lecture capture, live streaming, uploading video to system, content management and editing, viewing, collaboration & interactivity.

View accessibility statement for Panopto (PDF) (checked 02 April 2024)


  • Supplier: Elcom
  • Purchase to pay procurement system

View accessibility statement for PECOS (checked 29 March 2021)


  • Supplier: Ex Libiris (a ProQuest company)
  • Library Services Platform - Library Catalogue front end for staff and students, including search for books and journals, and membership self-service.

View accessibility statement for Primo (checked 06 July 2021)

Questionmark OnDemand

  • Formerly know as: Questionmark Perception
  • Supplier Questionmark
  • Assessment management system for online tests and assessment

View accessibility statement for Questionmark OnDemand (checked 20 April 2021)
View  voluntary product accessibility template for Questionmark OnDemand (checked 20 April 2021)

Raisers Edge

  • Supplier: Blackbaud
  • Cloud-based fundraising and donor management software solution 

View accessibility statement for Voluntary Product (PDF) (checked 30 March 2016)

Scientia Room Bookings and Online Timetabling

  • Supplier: Scientia
  • Student timetabling and room booking websites

View accessibility statement for Scientia (PDF) (checked 4 May 2021)


  • Supplier: SEAtS Software
  • Student attendance management software


  • Supplier: Sumac Mentoring (subsidiary of University of St. Andrews)
  • Tools for effective mentoring programs

View accessibility statement for SUMAC (PDF) (checked 6 July 2021)

Target Connect

  • Supplier: GTI Futures
  • Careers information platform

View accessibility statement for Target Connect (DOCX) (checked 15 June 2021)


Our Self Service Portal located via help4u.dundee.ac.uk

View accessibility statement for TOPdesk (PDF)


  • Supplier: Turnitin
  • Automated plagiarism and academic integrity checker

View accessibility statement for Turnitin (checked 6 April 2021)

VMware Horizon Enterprise

  • Supplier: Horizon Enterprise
  • Desktop and application delivery with closed-loop management and automation

View accessibility statement for VMware Horizon Enterprise (PDF) (checked 19 Oct 2020)

Visual Studio

  • Supplier: Microsoft
  • Integrated software development platform

View accessibility statement for Visual Studio (DOCX) (checked 15 June 2021)


  • Supplier: Simitive
  • Workload Allocation Management Software 

View accessibility statement for WAMS (PDF) (checked 14 May 2021)


  • Supplier: Yuja
  • The YuJa Enterprise Video Platform is an all-in-one video experience to securely create, manage, discover, collaborate, and live stream video content across any device

View accessibility statement for Yuja (checked 02 April 2024)


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Collection Accessibility