Alex Harrow

Fine Art BA (Hons)

The work that Alex Harrow created gives an insightful glimpse into contemporary life through a modernist style allowing the viewer to question the beauty today.


Alex Harrow self portrait

Alex Harrow
The traditional Scottish pub setting can be a closed and intriguing environment - primarily cultivated for adults to enjoy socialising while under the influence. It encourages interaction and connection through the liberal use of alcohol. It is a regularly available substance, yet it warps one’s mood by altering perspective. This is an effect I try to convey through my practice.
I use art as a means to capture not just a moment but the feeling it conveys using emotive colours. There are few ways an artist can display a full body of work other than being in a gallery setting. I used the National Gallery in Edinburgh as inspiration for the red wall in my own space. I chose a cluttered pub wall as the setting to display my work. It ranges from prints to paintings and even metal sculptures. I wanted to create a hard masculine exterior for my “old man” pub which features elements of metal along with dark-coloured furniture that contrasts with the vivid art on the walls. The intention was to demonstrate the adverse way in which men are made to feel, only able to truly open up with a drink in their hand. 
The pub scene is reminiscent of the café culture of the Impressionists who drew from their environment. This has been influential in shaping the course of art as many important conversations on the development of an artist's practice took place within the bar setting.


I Know a spot

I Know a Spot Features a pal of mine while on a walk-in on our local Walk the Knock smoking a doobie

Still Life: citrus fruit and pipe

This still life is painted from my hometown of Crieff featuring a messy display of objects to make the piece visually interesting, it features such things as lemons oranges, and my pipe.

St Andrews Cathedral

This landscape piece shows the ruins of the old cathedral in St Andrews captured on a winter's day with frost still on the ground I had to work quickly as I had been ordered to leave by a guard but after seeing the work she allowed me to finish the piece.

please connect through email if interested in purchasing any of my pieces
