Calder MacKay

Fine Art BA (Hons)

Calder MacKay is a visual artist, whose practice currently specialises in painting and printmaking, examining masculinity through familial narratives.


Calder Mackay

In the tapestry of masculinity, men exist along a spectrum, where tenderness and violence sit at opposite ends. My familial lineage traces a journey across generations of masculinity. Each shaped by outdated ideologies of manhood— few retained, others discarded. While some embody harshness, others exemplify warmth, while many grapple with their imperfections, I hope to acknowledge my ongoing growth. Some of these men I’m a stranger to, yet their influence is acutely felt, trickling down to a son I don’t yet know, hopefully he’s better yet.

Currently, my painting practice lies in examining the dynamics between men and women, and how societal constructs of masculinity influence how we view such relationships. By interweaving family histories, I attempt to deconstruct my own experiences of generational masculines. How the male is viewed, being the open-ended question I’m still trying to answer. I want to question these preconceived male narratives. Learning from traditional expressions of the masculine to form a new masculine. Discarding all masculinities of harm and holding onto its potential for compassion. As I look inwardly, there is still a lot yet to see. The man is what you make of him, these men are what made me.

‘A just man’

Image of painting ‘A just man’, one male figure looming over female sitting, with red shed in background


Image of the painting ‘Stay’, two figures male & female, embracing

‘Empty pews’

Image of painting ‘Empty Pews’, two elderly figures one male one female, at dinner table

All Paintings are available to purchase, please contact the artist via email. Separate original prints and prints of paintings are available via artists website-
