Morven Mackinnon

Fine Art BA (Hons)

I make paintings and ceramics inspired by the beauty of the Scottish landscape.


Morven Mackinnon

Life is often so busy that it doesn’t leave so much time for moments of peace. I’ve noticed in myself and the people around me that a lot of us live in a constant state of stress, always worrying about what’s next and forgetting to take a moment to notice the beautiful moments.

My paintings focus on nature as that is the beauty I notice most often, and I hope that painting these moments will show why they are important. Sometimes a moment sitting in the grass feeling the breeze is just as important as facing the troubles you have, as you need those moments of peace and happiness to give you the strength to help you through.

For my degree show I wanted to create reminder to notice those small beautiful moments.

unmowed lawn

painting of a lawn filled with flowers and weeds


painting looking up into a tree


painting of a field of wildflowers

I will release a list on my website of paintings that are for sale and prices after degree show, and updates of when this will be will be posted on my social media.
