Celia Ponce Regojo

Fine Art BA (Hons)

Cardumen explores the meanings of community and individuality, where every aspect that composes the piece works as a reflection of these two concepts.


Celia Ponce

Celia Ponce Regojo is a multidisciplinary artist based in Scotland, originating from Southern Spain. Her creative journey is a fusion of cultural influences and personal experiences in which she has come to specialise in clay sculpture as her main artistic medium.

Within this sculptural installation, Celia aims to evoke a sense of awe and appreciation of both the individuality and collective purpose, where, like in the “school of fish”, the connection and involvement of each individual leads to something much stronger, a community. The sculpture as a whole, creates a moving composition where, like humans, each unit can be taken aside and work as their own independent being.

By exploring the interplay of light and form, the artist seeks to create a sensory experience that engages viewers on a visceral level, inviting them to pause, reflect, and reconnect with the profound beauty that surrounds us all. Through her art, Celia strives to reflect the power of community and such interconnectedness in its most metaphorical way.

An installation of hanging fish is suspended in the air, some white plinths are standing in the background.
An installation of hanging fish is suspended in the air.
A small clay fish is on a stick, the background is plain white.